martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

To Matriarchy throughout Etymologies

  • To analise etymology, with all the facilities we have at hands, is to deeping throughout the abyss of a language system that was fossil as obsolete.
  • To anlyse Etymology is to practise a biogegraphy of noosphere across the words we say every day without to know almost nothing about their etymologies.
  • Spain Gramatics is the oldest in Europe.
  • Gramatics is a class of magics.
  • By using certain words, and in certain meanings.
  • You will give me obedience without to noting that.
  • Patriarcalization process under monarchy in spain at fifteen century.
  • Meaning to adapt the possible terms to the normalised terms.
  • Normalised terms that are always zelously manteined by the patriarcal powers of any time.
  • Grammar is money through obedience.
  • Grammar WAS money.
  • Today liberation of language at all by internet and glovalizartions.
  • Make impossible to fall egein at before times were it was more importante tu speak "well" the language of invaders, than to know some office.
  • Juan Manuel Serrat was not permited their singing in catalonyan for EuroVision.
  • Never Something as this ocurred to Flamenco singers in andaluz.
  • Of course after Flamenco became important and difunded.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
number Look up number at
c.1300, "sum, aggregate of a collection," from Anglo-Fr. noumbre, from O.Fr. nombre, from L. numerus "a number, quantity," from PIE base *nem- "to divide, distribute, allot" (related to Gk. nemein "to deal out;" see nemesis). Meaning "symbol or figure of arithmatic value" is from late 14c. The meaning "musical selection" is from vaudeville theater programs, where acts were marked by a number. The verb meaning "to count" is from c.1300. Number one "oneself" is from 1704 (mock-It. form numero uno attested from 1973); the biblical Book of Numbers (c.1400, L. Numeri, Gk. Arithmoi) so called because it begins with a census of the Israelites. Slang number one and number two for "urinate" and "defecate" attested from 1902. Number cruncher is 1966, of machines; 1971, of persons. To get or have (someone's) number "have someone figured out" is attested from 1853. The numbers "illegal lottery" is from 1897, Amer.Eng.
arithmetic Look up arithmetic at
mid-13c., from O.Fr. arsmetique (12c.), from L. arithmetica, from Gk. arithmetike (tekhne) "(the) counting (art)," from arithmos "number," from PIE base *ri- "number" (cf. O.E., O.H.G. rim "number;" O.Ir. rim "number," dorimu "I count;" L. ritus "religious custom"). Originally in English arsmetrik, on folk etymology from L. ars metrica; spelling corrected early 16c. Replaced native tælcræft "tell-craft."
supernumerary Look up supernumerary at
c.1600, from L.L. supernumarius "excessive in number" (of soldiers added to a full legion), from L. super numerum "beyond the number," from super "beyond, over" (see super-) + numerum, accusative of numerus "number" (see number).
numeration Look up numeration at
mid-15c., from L. numerationem, noun of action from numerare "to count, number," from numerus "number" (see number).
numerator Look up numerator at
1540s, from L.L. numerator, agent noun from numerare "to count, number," from numerus "number" (see number).
numerate Look up numerate at
mid-15c., from L. numeratus, pp. of numerare "to count, number," from numerus "number" (see number).
rite Look up rite at
early 14c., from L. ritus "religious observance or ceremony, custom, usage," perhaps from PIE base *re(i)- "to count, number" (cf. Gk. arithmos "number," O.E. rim "number"). Rite of passage (1909) is translated from Fr. rite de passage, coined by French anthropologist Arnold van Gennep (1873–1957).
tale Look up tale at
O.E. talu "story, tale, the action of telling," from P.Gmc. *talo (cf. Du. taal "speech, language"), from PIE base *del- "to recount, count." The secondary English sense of "number, numerical reckoning" (c.1200) probably was the primary one in Germanic; cf. teller (see tell) and O.Fris. tale, M.Du. tal "number," O.S. tala "number," O.H.G. zala, Ger. Zahl "number." The ground sense of the Mod.Eng. word in its main meaning, then, might have been "an account of things in their due order." Related to talk and tell. Meaning "things divulged that were given secretly, gossip" is from mid-14c.; first record of talebearer "tattletale" is late 15c.
numeral Look up numeral at
1530, from M.Fr. numéral (1474), from L.L. numeralis "of or belonging to a number," from L. numerus "number" (see number).
PIN Look up PIN at
acronym for personal identification number, 1981, from the first reference used with redundant number.
enumeration Look up enumeration at
1550s, from M.Fr. énumération, from L. enumerationem (nom. enumeratio) "a counting up," noun of action from pp. stem of enumerare "to reckon up, count over, enumerate," from ex- "from" (see ex-) + numerare "to count, number," from numerus "number" (see number).
numerical Look up numerical at
1620s, from L. numerus "number" + suffix -ical. Perhaps by influence of Fr. numérique "of a number or numbers."
No. Look up No. at
as an abbreviation meaning (and pronounced) “number,” 1660s, from L. numero, abl. sing. of numerus (see number).
nth Look up nth at
1852, in phrase to the nth, figurative use of a mathematical term indicating indefinite number, in which n is an abbreviation for number.
numerology Look up numerology at
1911, "study of the occult meaning of numbers," a hybrid from L. numerus "number" + Gk. -logia, from logos "one who speaks (of a certain topic)." A correct formation would be arithmology, from Gk. arithmos "number."
odd Look up odd at
c.1300, "constituting a unit in excess of an even number," from O.N. oddi "third or additional number," as in odda-maðr "third man, odd man (who gives the casting vote)," odda-tala "odd number." O.N. oddi means lit. "point, angle;" related via notion of "triangle" to oddr "point of a weapon," from P.Gmc. *uzdaz "pointed upward" (cf. O.E. ord "point of a weapon, spear, source, beginning," O.Fris. ord "point, place," Du. oord "place, region," O.H.G. ort "point," Ger. Ort "place"), from PIE *uzdho- (cf. Lith. us-nis "thistle"). None of the other languages, however, shows the O.N. development from "point" to "third number." Used from late 14c. to indicate a surplus over any given sum. Sense of "strange, peculiar" first attested 1580s from notion of "odd one out, unpaired one of three" (attested earlier, c.1400, as "singular" in a positive sense of "renowned, rare, choice"). Odd job (c.1770) is so called from notion of "not regular." Odd lot "incomplete or random set" is from 1897. The international order of Odd Fellows began as local social clubs in England, late 18c., with Masonic-type trappings; formally organized 1813 in Manchester.
dandelion Look up dandelion at
early 15c., from M.Fr. dent de lion, lit. "lion's tooth" (from its toothed leaves), translation of M.L. dens leonis. Other folk names, like tell-time refer to the custom of telling the time by blowing the white seed (the number of puffs required to blow them all off supposedly being the number of the hour), or to the plant's more authentic diuretic qualities, preserved in M.E. piss-a-bed and Fr. pissenlit.
outnumber Look up outnumber at
"to number more than," 1670, from out + number (v.).
numerous Look up numerous at
c.1586, from L. numerosus "numerous," from numerus "number" (see number).
sum Look up sum at
late 13c., "quantity or amount of money," from Anglo-Fr. and O.Fr. summe (13c.), from L. summa "total number, whole, essence, gist," noun use of fem. of summus "highest," from PIE *sup-mos-, from base *uper "over" (see super-). The sense development from "highest" to "total number" is probably via the Roman custom of adding up a stack of figures from the bottom and writing the sum at the top, rather than at the bottom as we do now (cf. the bottom line). Meaning "total number of anything" is recorded from late 14c. Meaning "essence of a writing or speech" also is attested from late 14c. The verb is attested from c.1300; meaning "briefly state the substance of" (now usually with up) is first recorded 1620s. Sum-total is attested from late 14c., from M.L. summa totalis.
logarithm Look up logarithm at
1610s, Mod.L. logarithmus, coined by Scot. mathematician John Napier (1550-1617), lit. "ratio-number," from Gk. logos "proportion, ratio, word" (see logos) + arithmos "number" (see arithmetic). Related: Logarithmic.
numeracy Look up numeracy at
from numerate (adj.), from L. numeratus, from numerus “number” (see number) on model of literacy, etc.
epact Look up epact at
1550s, "number of days by which the solar year exceeds a lunar one of 12 moons;" also "number of days into the moon on which the solar year begins;" from Fr. épacte (12c.), from L.L. epacta "an intercalary day," from Gk. epaktos, lit. "brought in, inported," verbal adj. of epagein "to intercalate, add, bring forward," from epi "on" (see epi-) + agein "to bring, to lead" (see act).
-some Look up -some at
as a suffix forming adjectives, it represents O.E. -sum (see some; cf. O.Fris. -sum, Ger. -sam, O.N. -samr), related to sama "same." As a suffix added to numerals meaning "a group of that number" (cf. twosome) it represents O.E. sum "some," used after the genitive plural (cf. sixa sum "six-some"), the inflection disappearing in M.E. Use of some with a number meaning "approximately" also was in O.E.
quote (v.) Look up quote at
late 14c., "to mark (a book) with chapter numbers or marginal references," from O.Fr. coter, from M.L. quotare "distinguish by numbers, number chapters," from L. quotus "which, what number (in sequence)," from quot "how many," related to quis "who." The sense development is via "to give as a reference, to cite as an authority" to "to copy out exact words" (1670s). The business sense of "to state the price of a commodity" (1866) revives the etymological meaning. The noun, in the sense of "quotation," is attested from 1885. Quotable is from 1821. Unquote first recorded 1935, in a letter by e e cummings.
rare (adj.1) Look up rare at
"unusual," early 15c., originally "few in number and widely separated," from O.Fr. rere "sparse" (14c.), from L. rarus "thinly sown, having a loose texture," from PIE *er-, *ere- "to loose, split, separate" (cf. Skt. rte "besides, except," viralah "distant, tight, rare;" O.C.S. oriti "to dissolve, destroy;" Lith. irti "to dissolve;" O.C.S. rediku "rare;" Gk. eremos "solitary"). "Few in number," hence, "unusual" (1540s). In chemistry, rare earth is from 1875.
slew (n.2) Look up slew at
"large number," 1839, from Ir. sluagh "a host, crowd, multitude."
hundred Look up hundred at
O.E. hundred "a counting of 100," from W.Gmc. *khundrath (cf. O.N. hundrað, Ger. hundert), first element is P.Gmc. *hunda- "hundred" (cf. Goth. hund, O.H.G. hunt), from PIE *kmtom "hundred" (cf. Skt. satam, Avestan satem, Gk. hekaton, L. centum, Lith. simtas, O.Ir. cet, Bret. kant "hundred"). Second element is P.Gmc. *rath "reckoning, number" (cf. Goth. raþjo "a reckoning, account, number," garaþjan "to count"). O.E. also used simple hund, as well as hund-teontig. Meaning "division of a county or shire with its own court" (still in some British place names and U.S. state of Delaware) was in O.E. and probably represents 100 hides of land. The Hundred Years War (which ran intermittently from 1337 to 1453) was first so called in 1874.
sphere Look up sphere at
1530s, restored spelling of M.E. spere (c.1300) "space, conceived as a hollow globe about the world," from O.Fr. espere (13c.), from L. sphæra "globe, ball, celestial sphere," from Gk. sphaira "globe, ball," of unknown origin. Sense of "ball, body of globular form" is from late 14c. Medieval astronomical meaning "one of the 8 (later 10) concentric, transparent, hollow globes believed to revolve around the earth and carry the heavenly bodies" is from late 14c.; the supposed harmonious sound they made rubbing against one another was the music of the spheres (late 14c.). Meaning "range of something" is first recorded c.1600 (e.g. sphere of influence, 1885, originally in reference to Anglo-German colonial rivalry in Africa). A spherical number (1640s) is one whose powers always terminate in the same digit as the number itself (5,6, and 10 are the only ones).
A-1 Look up A-1 at
in figurative sense of "first-rate," 1837, in Dickens; from Lloyd's of London designation for ships in first-class condition (with the letter referring to the condition of the ship and the number to that of the stores).
umpty Look up umpty at
1905, "of an indefinite number," originally Morse code slang for "dash," influenced by association with numerals such as twenty, thirty, etc.
utilitarian Look up utilitarian at
1781, coined by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) from utility. One guided by the doctrine of the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
seven Look up seven at
O.E. seofon, from P.Gmc. *sebun (cf. O.S. sibun, O.N. sjau, O.Fris. sowen, siugun, Du. zeven, O.H.G. sibun, Ger. sieben), from PIE *septm (cf. Skt. sapta, Avestan hapta, Hitt. shipta, Gk. hepta, L. septem, O.C.S. sedmi, Lith. septyni, O.Ir. secht, Welsh saith). Long regarded as a number of perfection (e.g. Seven wonders, seven sleepers, (transl. L. septem dormientes), seven against Thebes etc.), but in Ger. a nasty, troublesome woman is eine böse Sieben "an evil seven" (1662). Magical power or healing skill associated since 16c. with the seventh son ["The seuenth Male Chyld by iust order (neuer a Gyrle or Wench being borne betweene)," Thomas Lupton, "A Thousand Notable Things," 1579]. The typical number for "very great, strong," e.g. seven-league boots in the fairy story of Hop o'my Thumb. The Seven Years' War (1756-63) is also the Third Silesian War.
Olbers' paradox Look up Olbers' paradox at
"if stars are uniformly distributed through the sky, their number should counterbalance their faintness and the night sky should be as bright as the day;" named for Ger. astronomer H.W.M. Olbers (1758-1840), who propounded it in 1826.
Downing Street Look up Downing Street at
short street in London, named for British diplomat Sir George Downing (c.1624-1684). It contains the residence of the prime minister (at Number 10), hence its metonymic use for "the British government," attested from 1781.
readership Look up readership at
1719, "office of a re4ader," from reader + -ship. Meaning "total number of readers of a publication" is from 1923.
punch (n.2) Look up punch at
"mixed drink," 1630s, traditionally said to derive from Hindi panch "five," in allusion to the number of original ingredients (spirits, water, lemon juice, sugar, spice), from Skt. panchan-s.
Monte Carlo fallacy Look up Monte Carlo fallacy at
1957, named for resort in Monaco famous for its gambling casinos. The fallacy of thinking that the probability of a particular outcome rises with the successive number of opposite outcomes. Contrary to the Monte Carlo fallacy, if the roulette wheel stops on black 99 times in a row, the chances that the 100th spin will be red are still just under 50-50.
turnover Look up turnover at
1650s, "action of turning over," from turn + over; meaning "kind of pastry tart" is attested from 1798. Meaning "number of employees leaving a place and being replaced" is recorded from 1955.
mileage Look up mileage at
1754, "fixed rate per mile," from mile + -age. Meaning "a total number of miles" is from 1861.
subtrahend Look up subtrahend at
1670s, from L. subtrahendus numerus "number to be subtracted," from gerundive form of subtrahere (see subtraction).
membership Look up membership at
1640s, "State of being a member," from member + -ship. Meaning "number of members" is from 1850.
ethno- Look up ethno- at
comb. form meaning "race, culture," from Gk. ethnos "people, nation, class, caste, tribe; a number of people accustomed to live together" (see ethnic). Used to form modern compounds in the social sciences.
hebdomadally Look up hebdomadally at
1816, pedantic humor, from L. hebdomas, from Gk. hebdomas “the number seven; a period of seven (days).”
huggermugger Look up huggermugger at
also hugger-mugger, "secretly," 1520s, one of a number of similar-sounding reduplicated words in use around this time and meaning much the same thing, including hucker-mucker, which may be the original of the bunch if the root is, as some think, M.E. mukre “to hoard up, conceal.”
infinitive Look up infinitive at
"simple, uninflected form of a verb," 1510s, from L.L. infinitivus "unlimited, indefinite," from L. infinitus (see infinite). "Indefinite" because not having definite person or number.
exiguous Look up exiguous at
"scanty," 1650s, from L. exiguus "small, petty, paltry, scanty in measure or number," from exigere (see exact).
Mach Look up Mach at
measure of speed relative to the speed of sound (technically Mach number), 1937, named in honor of Austrian physicist Ernst Mach (1838-1916).
paginate Look up paginate at
1884, “to mark or number the pages of a publication,” back formation from pagination. M.L. had paginare, but it had another sense. Related: Paginated; paginating.
cardinal number Look up cardinal number at
1590s, "one, two, three," etc. as opposed to ordinal numbers "first, second, third," etc.; so called because they are the principal numbers and the ordinals depend on them (see cardinal).

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