lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Economy of Desire

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Quantum Physics and Neurosciences allowing to a radical change in our desire management

All readers are able of imagining their city or society functioning in a diferent way. The bridge towards the next desired society is the consensus on our desires for the future. Thus, future = n x (consensus-desires). The first step, thus, is to express, clearly, and by diferent ways and media, our own desires. Maybe the blocking in humans, explained by Wilhem Reich, is related with the missing of texts, and conversations, where those desires are actualy expressed. Economy of Taboos explain the role of the "crux", or central western taboo, in paralizing, physicaly and mentaly, our basic biological capacities. ¿Until now?

The mind-frame in western formal thinking is dichotomy, derived from Maniqueism. The first dychotomy is made by you, and Patriarcal God. You, as a finite being, and patriarcal God, as a infinite one. This last were the basic question in philosophy, when were dominated by christian thoughts.
Catholicism accept Panentheism, but not Pantheism. In Panentheism, God is ON everywhere, also on you, but you are NOT God. In Pantheism, Universe, The Earth, is God. And you shape God. I remember a indigenous ceremony, where you greet, and shake the hand of your peer saying: "You are God". And your peer answer: "You are God". In Pantheism, "believings" are enacted any instant in your transconnected living. In Panentheism, your life is always observed, like a panopticum, by God.
Abstractions become a reality in your life from the point that you are sharing your life, language, and actions with a "sobrenatural being", your invisible "Boss", whose mediation cannot be obtained by ordinary methods. If power comes from God, and only special people can connect with that power, here you have the seed for a class-society.
The invisibility of desires in our nowadays conversations, is acompanied by the invisibility of the physical world too.
The most repeated species in Mass Media, and in the Web, is Homo sapiens. This point may appears as logic, but think about 30 or 60 millions species cohabiting, with us, on Planet Earth. In fact anthropocentrism is derived from the "privileged" status that Patriarcal God gave to humans. But if you think about the solipsist creature resulting, where is the privilege? think about the fact that, in spite of the crude interdependence we human do have within all the system: species and ecosystem, the neoclasical reductionistic science, dominating until now, didn't take in account that actual interdependence or entaglement, complexity, of human-and-planetary -systems. How many thinkers have writen about the sense of separation, between human and environment, preventing the development of actions intended to change the direction of human impact on Earth.
The systemic changes we observe today, specialy in internet, will become deeply affecting al parts of society. Some of you may see this desire as utopic. Maybe if you are digital native or so, you will see the things with more optimism.
Well, in the physical world we observe certain singularities, invisible in the literature, that seem derived from the dychotomical pattern treated already in that text.
Dychotomies, along history, were reproducing themselves, giving life to an enormous number of them. Me & God, bad & good, no & yes, etc...
The question here is maniqueism, as extremism. Some author says that West is characterised as a "extreme" culture. Black & white are two extreme points, among an infinite series of grays. Aristotelian dychotomical logic was the tool for that rupture. Until sixtees last century, with Zadeh, Aristotelian "extreme" logic had no counterpart in western formal thinking. What does that means? Which almost all the squelett of society is going to change to adapt next times.
The singularities in the human-physical world, we are talking about, will invite us to a reflection, and to express desires, desires about how minimal changes with economic costs tending to zero, will make a significant increase in the eficiency of the systems.
The argument behind our proposal for change coming from diferent fields of knowledge, mainly from neuroscienceswhich, as biology and sciences, have been living an apotheosic era, last half century, with many new theories and discoveries which, paradoxicaly seem as "hidden science", because of their invisibility across universities, and society.
ahora sigo...

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