Politician 2.0 are human beings whose life could last for a month, a week, or a day, or hour, in direct correspondance with the number of co-subdits, shape their hombros. That giant on the top of her, is situated the politician, is only the point within an iceberg, shaped for the people sustaining to the politician.
Etymologies are the subject of the new cultural revolution in India.
And in the meanwhile, as if India were a oasis in the midle of a desert, The World Etymology Desert, all the other, or many countries, that took all the fruits west gave to the south for development and knowledge, were not aware of the radical relevance of etymologies.
One of the main roots cut, in the roots of our everyday language, be scientific or vulgar, is the etymologies. Knowing etymologies, and intuitively sharing them, tyou are growing magicaly in your brain, and your body, new connections that symplify the work of yor own memories.
Just as a toboogaaam, etymologies are always openers of your mind, of your language, and of the meanings of any word, that your serendipical intuition try to catching, as a papamoscas cerrojillo en lo arto la loma der azebushe, link to gugelmap...
In that way, and floowing the tobogam down, etymologies, with a mainly intuitive practise, within conversations with you and your neurosemantic networks, (¡and within sensosphere!) , for example on the bus, are growing and growing in you, the speed at connecting, more and more new knowledge from new 21th century science vía google.
What surprised to me afortunately, was wikipedia about intuition. exactly explain intuition as I would make Her. In other articles, I see wikipedia, for example, in lynn margulis article, (in spanish, I think), article, and I found as a relative, but clear sensation of the loser that must defend to her leader, as resting importance to Margulis, in front of darwinism...
All desde el cariiiiiiiño eih? Pero pdiamos poner botones de sharing in las wikis, y en indymedia, pues si facebook anda ya quitandolos, aún otras webs, como estas que nombro, aún no han iniciado la carrera.
Paradoxical and technological hyper revolution, have made so many gifts already for social movements, that if they open more and more the possibility of a "MARATHON 2.0", full moon, 24 hours in the streets and plazas, with music, mainly auto prduced, and sharing acustic human productions so much diverse as possible and imaginative. Sensosfera al poder. And internet and all that hyper revolution in technologies, among people of all ages and cultures, sharing, sharing, and sharing all that new scientific and diverse knowledge there is in the galactic ocean of internet, and reproducing them too, create creative title blogs, is free and divertido....
At the same working intuition towards "the exterior", towards, within, inside the sensosfera.
Here some etymologies:

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