para biocoan, communiteachle., elcapitalismom., elcapitalismos., ismautopoiesis, kakapitalismea., lasimbiodivers., orgespro, paralacaidadel., simbiodomotica, solidaritatbar., symbiodomotics, symbiopedia, 1968, agustin, capitalismo, cero, ChatLento, ciencia, community, copylife, easy, EnAcción, Exámenes, Feliz It is said somewhere, that bipolar disorder was born as a new bio technology in Quaternary Glaciation Humans, for thinking the unthinkable.
When habits are need to be changed within a community, in the meanwhile a crisis, we could find more opportunities, to live, and reproduce, those innovations that could take us for advancing.
Autoethnography imply, for first time, the academic freedom for using the Self, for describing (your) the world across your personal and direct experiences.
When you talk about "your" things, you are actually describing the world, that logicaly is a world shared by all humankind, and all ecosystems and species, and cultures.
I think no reader could doubt about the reality of a global melting pot in the world we inhabite.
What it is felt now, still, is the globalization of ideas.
Optimism is by default, an advanced co evolutionary strategy.
Today extended pessimism within Intellectuality Brains, only means a characteristic present in a minor part of humankind.
The curious thing is that this small part of humankind, is the managers of our societies.
We could wait for a intergenerational change, when actual native digitals will conquer the manager point in our societies.
But if we look actualy across internet, we colud discover a deep optimism that characterizes, both, the technological revolution, and the brains of youngs native digitals.
"La intelectualidad del 15M son pensadores que piensan pensamientos al más puro estilo solipsista de la jaula de Wittgenstein"
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The Coevolutionary Role of Pessimism
11:57 (hace 9 horas)
para biocoan, communiteachle., elcapitalismom., elcapitalismos., ismautopoiesis, kakapitalismea., lasimbiodivers., orgespro, paralacaidadel., simbiodomotica, solidaritatbar., symbiodomotics, symbiopedia, 1968, agustin, capitalismo, cero, ChatLento, ciencia, community, copylife, easy, EnAcción, Exámenes, Feliz
It is said somewhere, that bipolar disorder was born as a new bio technology in Quaternary Glaciation Humans, for thinking the unthinkable.
When habits are need to be changed within a community, in the meanwhile a crisis, we could find more opportunities, to live, and reproduce, those innovations that could take us for advancing.
Autoethnography imply, for first time, the academic freedom for using the Self, for describing (your) the world across your personal and direct experiences.
When you talk about "your" things, you are actually describing the world, that logicaly is a world shared by all humankind, and all ecosystems and species, and cultures.
I think no reader could doubt about the reality of a global melting pot in the world we inhabite.
What it is felt now, still, is the globalization of ideas.
Optimism is by default, an advanced co evolutionary strategy.
Today extended pessimism within Intellectuality Brains, only means a characteristic present in a minor part of humankind.
The curious thing is that this small part of humankind, is the managers of our societies.
We could wait for a intergenerational change, when actual native digitals will conquer the manager point in our societies.
But if we look actualy across internet, we colud discover a deep optimism that characterizes, both, the technological revolution, and the brains of youngs native digitals.
"La intelectualidad del 15M son pensadores que piensan pensamientos al más puro estilo solipsista de la jaula de Wittgenstein"
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11:57 (hace 9 horas)
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