miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Highly Gifted, Asperger's or Twice Exceptional?

"aunancheir" is another easy-to-learn-and-use-TooL, Gaya-and Daughters... feed on your re consideration, as andaluzia is so cheríe in zo many pleis, dat the way yu express any feeling is independent absolutely of the desired channel you could yuse...

AUNANCHEIR coming from, own and share, as sucintly explain, and imply swettly you-too, in their implementation, how the most usefull blog would be those with most diverse information in least time of consultation,

these tropical blogs, inspire the same rarenness of German Bio traveller in century dix neuf, when aterrising in amazonas, and inspire automatically a very diferent sensosphere, senso-phenes, from their distant germany, 

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Most chaos yu introduce in disordering, at as spontaneusly yu cold entry them guiz the minimum esfuerzoux,,,,,, maximun efficiency at maximaum number of codes, a tropoical selva inundating, as today chatas are in that way, the recelosus blogs and bloggers, that seguian sometidos a los dicataos ddel farano del dieciseis ese que asolaron sus schabales desde mexuico hasta patagoinia y seifguen haciendolo telefrnica, y las multinacionales EX PAÑOLAS QUE POR ARTE DE BIRVIRLOQUE HAN POVOCADO AGENTES CAUSANTES DIRECTOS ENRIOQUECDISO CON NYETROS AHORROS, USADOS PARA EL TREMENDO COCHSE PERSONAL, Y AHORA QUIEREN MAS ?????? NO, PORFA UNA TREGUA EN UNIVERSIDAES Y COLES PARA TRATAR DE LO QUE NOS RODEA,M PARA QUE NOS NOS VEAMOS MAS AUNA RODEADOS DE TANTA INMUNDICIA QUE YA APESTA, sino fuera por esta al final bendita despuyes de todo crisis, opues a aportado muchos mas beneficios objetivos que maleficios, que solo salen de las bocas aquellas que no miran, no ven  a su alrededor, ni las coles en los alcorques ni los verdones en los aularios, que interrumpen hasta tu clase, con su rrrrrrrrrr de arbitro de penalty, ritmo segun...

And after coming google y todo te lo ordena... si todo te lo ordena, a tus oredenes, de billones de clics, qu al buscar, no solo bisuscan, sino encuentra, encuentran lo que no hubieran ni soñado que otro tonto como el lo hubiera ni pensado, y google pues, te lo ordena, esas tus ordenes, tal como tu las piensas, te llegan, sabes..... senbsosfera dicta, tu obedeces a su danza, coevolucionaria del vivir conocer maturaneria...der amor y amar...

mamom mama la mama de la mama mamon! parecen decirnos los bonzais de este año arreor der campus tttinos, los rabanillos, que como tantas, anda que las campeonas al respecto serian las acelguitas and company, las espinacas, primas ermanas gemelas siamesas o casi de las de las mujeres de la vecina tanger, PUES SON LAS ABUELAS PLANTAS, que llevan conviviendo con el abuelete gorrion, este un transensor "universal", un chip audible en todo o casi el planeta terrestre, urbano etc,, pues con que tengas consciencia i disfrutes el sonido de un pollito gorrion, hace poco retumbando con esa fuerza y esa gallardía, bajo el casual techito saliente que suele dejar el tejado, en una tranquila calle, paralela a la principal, solo parajitos y flores u hojas callendo, son los ruiodos que se oyen, al pasear, pasear ques soñar, pues ensoñar es soñar despierto, todo ese sueño que el jardin, jardin mediterraneo, que ya es casi redundancia, se le añade el hecho que lei en un librito amarillo sobre el paisaje mediterraneo, y en otro verde mas grande, de esas colecciones maravillosas, transversales, que por cierto ya han inundao sobremanera internet, como feed back de mentes mas transersalmete educadas, cuado engullen las bellezas que salen de las investigaciones cientificas, que como convergen con la utopia soñada y mas que soñada ya, en tantos peipers...

Highly Gifted, Asperger's or Twice Exceptional?

Intellectually Advanced Children are Often Mislabeled at School

A highly gifted child's intensity and divergent thinking may inhibit social interaction with age peers causing educators to suspect Asperger's Syndrome.
In the preschool and early elementary years, Asperger's, a mild autism spectrum disorder, is marked by many of the same characteristics as are common for many highly gifted children. While a child may be "twice exceptional" (2E), having an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) along with giftedness, it is important for educators and parents to understand the similarities and differences between Asperger's and Giftedness so that the child's educational needs can be accommodated.

Social Challenges for Students with Asperger's

As with all Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome is at least partially characterized by difficulties with social interaction as a result from an inability to understand social cues.
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Additionally, individuals with Asperger's may
  • Not understand be able to interpret figurative speech or humor.
  • Have fleeting or non-existent effective eye contact.
  • Have low muscle tone and fine or gross motor skill delays.
  • Have unusual speech patterns.
  • May have flat facial expressions.
  • Rely on rituals or patterns in a way that is obsessive.
  • Have substantial difficulties with sensory integration.
  • Develop obsessive interests in certain unusual subjects.
  • Not understand how to give and take during conversations.
  • Have significant difficulty transitioning from interests or regular patterns of activity.
By definition, individuals with Asperger's will also have a normal or above normal IQ. In spite of this, however, students with Asperger's nearly always have an understandably difficult time with regular classroom routines and social interactions.

Social Difficulties in Highly Gifted Children

Not all highly gifted children have difficulty making friends; however, many young gifted children seem quirky or awkward when compared with their age peers. Much like Asperger's affected children, in fact, highly gifted children often
  • Have encompassing interests that are different from age peers.
  • Have sensory issues due to Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities. Overexcitabilities are sensitivities that allow the gifted individual to experience the world more intensely; however, they can also cause a gifted individual to be overwhelmed with sensory input.
  • Have unusual vocabulary and mature sentence structures for their age.
  • Resent or even resist transitioning from an area of interest. Gifted children often enjoy exploring learning topics in more detail than their age peers.

Autism Spectrum Disorder, High Level of Intelligence or Twice Exceptional?

One of the most important differences between a child with Asperger's and a highly gifted child will reveal itself when the child spends time with an intellectual peer. In fact, there will be many key differences between an autistic child and one who is intellectually gifted.
  • Whereas a child with Asperger's will still generally have difficulty with social reciprocity, a highly gifted child will generally enjoy sharing information with an individual with whom he shares an interest.
  • A gifted child will usually have multiple intense interests and an uncanny ability to link topics of interest to other areas of knowledge. They will enjoy the opportunity to interact with others who have similar interests.
  • Gifted children are often more emotionally sensitive than same-age peers and will respond intensely to the emotions of the children around them.
  • Highly gifted children may have advanced vocabularies that may in some cases limit their ability to socialize with age peers; however, these same children may do just fine when paired with older students or other children of similar intellectual ability.
Since it is possible for a child to be both highly gifted and on the autism spectrum, however, it is important that a student who may be twice exceptional to be tested by a competent team including a developmental pediatrician, an occupational therapist, an educational psychologist and the child's parents. Armed with a complete developmental history and a clear report of the student's strengths and weaknesses, the team should then be able to create an appropriate Individual Educational Plan.
Since teachers are rarely trained in diagnosis of spectrum disorders, it is never appropriate for an educator or school couselor to make a diagnosis.

Read more at Suite101: Highly Gifted, Asperger's or Twice Exceptional?: Intellectually Advanced Children are Often Mislabeled at School | Suite101.com http://susan-hyde.suite101.com/highly-gifted-aspergers-or-twice-exceptional-a71678#ixzz1t4jvmZKQ

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