domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

un enorme volumen de activos tóxicos

(by Agustin Antunez Corrales & ISMA: "Iniciativas de Sostenibilidad Medioambiente y Autogestion")

Si contamos toda la biomasa con hemisferitis aguda, a nivel planetaria, sería ridiculamente irrisorio, y por tanto, sin importancia, alguna, a medio largo plazo..., pero si esta peculiar  forma de mirar, sin mirar el mundo, a nivel de educacioin sigue causando estragos, prueba quizas determinante, en terminos abductivos, que ispñistan sea campeona de europa en tasa de universitarios en la poblacion total, para que nos ha servido si lo que han hecho los sumisos tecnicos y o universitarios ha sido dar el marchamo, en cuantos casos??? a la catastrofe que se nos venia encima, atentos que aqui no hay culpable, o culpables, si somos capaces de seguir a witt(genstein), nuestro geniecillo ede la lengua, bibe en la punta de la lengua, y hace este geniecvillo que la lengua, en su piquillo anterior, haga como que te pique cuando escuchas algo curioso, en plan disonancia cognitiva, o contradiccion, entre lo que dices, o escuchas y lo que significa lo que dices, etimologicamente... como si tuvieras chile en el piquillo anterior de la lengua

sabeis como se llama en facebook un pionero grupo escolar amplisimo, de India, dedicado a jugar y aprender con las etimologias?

"etymology revolution"

cambiar las estaulas por uaulas, que ya tiene hashtach, es superfacil,

avaaz, echamos una mano:


queremos seguir sufriendo en nuestras carnes toda las maldades asociadas a un sistema eco-fisiologicamente programado, de educacion jerarquica con bancas esclavas, que aunque ya son inservibles, como tantros hemos demosytrado,

seguimos ytan sumamente aferrados a lo realmente existente, a la banca esclava,

que a pesar de las archiabuntantisimas criticas implicitas, y solo raramente explicitas, a la banca esclava, digno presagio del poder "invisible" de los bancos otros, que nos esxclaviza (BA),

"educacion formal" imagenes de google:,mod=19&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=%22educacion+formal%22+imagenes+de+google%3A,mod%3D19&q=%22educacion+formal%22+imagenes+de+google:&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=es&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=oZ7UT5eIMMi00QWao6H1Aw&biw=982&bih=632&sei=xp7UT7vHO4iy0QWwqsSPBA,mod%3D19&q=%22educacion+formal%22+imagenes+de+google:&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=es&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=oZ7UT5eIMMi00QWao6H1Aw&biw=982&bih=632&sei=xp7UT7vHO4iy0QWwqsSPBA#um=1&hl=es&safe=off&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=%22educacion+formal%22&oq=%22educacion+formal%22&aq=f&aqi=g6g-S4&aql=&gs_l=img.3..0l6j0i24l4.62427.69581.0.74248.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=646aa06b59e1facd&biw=982&bih=632

"educacion alternativa" imagenes de google:,mod%3D19&q=%22educacion+formal%22+imagenes+de+google:&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=es&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=oZ7UT5eIMMi00QWao6H1Aw&biw=982&bih=632&sei=xp7UT7vHO4iy0QWwqsSPBA#um=1&hl=es&safe=off&authuser=0&biw=982&bih=632&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=%22educacion+no+formal%22&oq=%22educacion+no+formal%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=img.12...61035.77035.2.81625.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=646aa06b59e1facd

que no importa, no pasaran...,mod%3D19&q=%22etymology+revolution%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=es&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=OqDUT7vrI8XB0gWqgom8BA&biw=982&bih=632&sei=Y6DUT4C0E8fW0QXrxOj0Aw#um=1&hl=es&safe=off&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=%22bancas+esclavas%22&oq=%22bancas+esclavas%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=img.3...6672.6672.2.7671.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=646aa06b59e1facd&biw=982&bih=589

a greater focus on nonhuman materiality) (Say Daniel Everett Jiaitiiji People living within principium of Instantaneus, or somehow similar, to transmiting us that new age dream of living the instant is and was the rule out of this schyzofrenic western Extinguising World... My first blog in wordpress take the name of that so special for me indictment by this loved blogger, just becuase this "out-world" is rarely so precisely described and with the llaneza you explain it. Con Gusto!)

Barad’s Agential Realism

I’m just about finished with a review of Karan Barad’s book Meeting the Universe Halfway. The book was published back in 2007, but I am still going to shop the review around to see if anyone will publish it. Here’s a small bit from my review dealing with Butler and Foucault:
Barad’s move towards an extended account of performativity is captured in her proposed “posthumanist performative” framework (p. 135). Posthumanist performativity offers an, “approach to understanding technoscientific and other naturalcultural practices that specifically acknowledges and takes account of matter’s dynamism” (p. 135). We might then view Barad’s posthumanism as an appreciation for the way performativity has refigured representational theories of truth (by understanding them as the outcomes of material-discursive practices enacted by situated actors), but also as an expansion for what’s missing in the critical theories of Butler and Foucault (namely, a greater focus on nonhuman materiality). In this regard, one of Barad’s unique contributions is a refiguring of Foucault’s notion of the “apparatus” (or “dispositif”). The critique reads thusly, “for both Butler and Foucault, agency belongs only to the human domain, and neither addresses the nature of technoscientific practices and their profoundly productive effects on human bodies, as well as the ways in which these practices are deeply implicated in what constitutes the human, and more generally the workings of power” (pp. 145 – 146). Further, in terms of Barad’s agential realism Foucault’s discursive practices are extended so that, “agential realism’s posthumanist account of discursive practices does not fix the boundary between human and nonhuman before the analysis ever gets off the ground, but rather allows for the possibility of a genealogical analysis of the material-discursive emergence of the human” (pp. 149 – 150).
If I can’t find a publisher for the review I’ll be sure to post the whole paper up here. In general I am very sympathetic to Barad’s work, and only have a few criticisms here and there.

“Of Whales and the Amazon Forest Gabriel Tarde and Cosmopolitics”

An interview with Bruno Latour conducted by Brian Massumi and Erin Manning available from Senselab HERE. Here’s Bruno Latour sharp as ever:
The multiplicity of beings that are asking questions, this is not what is lacking right now. What is lacking are artists, political thinkers, scientists, militants, capable of listening and articulating. The problem is not a deficit of emergent or “instaurated” beings, the problem is that our academic organization is so poor, so unwell that we have enormous difficulty representing the beings with which we must pose the questions and compose the world.
In the end whale song is an explanation of something we already knew, something we chose to ignore and the connection, the rhizome, between the sound engineer, the researchers, the artist, the militant, the political thinker make it present to our common consciousness. The question is not, it seems to me, how to do it, but rather how is it possible that we know so little. And so, the connection: how is it possible that we have such difficulty making links between artists and the social sciences? Artists are always expressive of an extremely rich mode of being, one that is sadly too often themselves! Whereas social sciences too often believe that they must imitate the hard sciences despite the fact that the hard sciences engage the concept of objectivity in quite a different manner. The problem is the extraordinary archaism of the intellectual-political tools, and this is what is really alarming. We are completely unadapted, and the problem is not the beings we need to represent, the problem is that we live an extremely limited intellectual life (pp. 12 – 13).
Definitely some worthwhile Sunday reading in the rest of the interview.

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